It's beyond me how people can tout this man as a savoiur when he has already done so much damage to our country - starting with making us hate each other and think the other side is deranged. Overturning RvW has already cost the lives of many women. And I actually heard him say he will consider banning vaccines. BANNING.
But, if he is truly the saviour of the world, then I will thank my fellow americans for seeing what I couldn't. If not, and he turns out to be as bad as I think, well, we will all suffer the same, won't we?
For now, I am giving up all news and turning my attention to my family, my friends, my home, nature - lots and lots of nature - music, books and painting. Thich Nhat Hanh tells a story about people who were coming from Cambodia in a boat. When the waves started crashing and people started panicking, if only one person stayed calm it enabled everyone to calm down. I want to be that one person. The only way I can do that is to care for my own mind and spirit. We are in for it whether we panic or not. Keeping a clear head will help us to meet each challenge more powerfully.
Both sides are in a silo and for someone on the other side to say you are only listening to voices that echo your thoughts is rich, rich, rich. And that is all I will say about that.
Sending love and urging you to go out and walk in this beautiful fall weather. All any of us is promised is today. Let's not waste it on someone who's not worthy of our attention. ♥♥♥